Approaching Sembach AB, circa 1999.
Courtesy of SSgt Louis Escamilla USAFE OWS
Images from the Central Base area
Links Image Description Links  Image Description
1. This was barracks row. 2. The right, behind building 210.
3. The right, behind building 210. 4. The left, behind building 210.
5. The 1967 Sembach Post Office. 6.  Images from the NCO Club. 
7. Sembach Gas Station, Circa 1999. 8. Base Map.
9. 6910th Radio Group Mobile HQ. 10. Building 213 was a dining facility.
11. Sembach Main Gate 12. Sembach Main Gate Sign
13. A view of Central Base 14. Rod & Gun Club, Circa 1966
15. Sembach Base Exchange (BX) 16. Base Chapel, Circa 1955 & 1999
17. Base Theatre, Circa 1955 & 1999 18. Sembach Tiger Stadium
19. The construction of Sembach  20. Base Fire Station, Circa 1956
 21. Central Base, Circa 1965 (96K)  22. Base Gym, Circa 1999
 23. Sembach Central Security Control 24. Sembach Displays and Symbols
 25. Sembach Bank building. 26. "Eternal vigilance...the price of liberty"
27. Veterinary bldg. (Zoonosis Control) 28. Sembach Base Clinic/Hospital
29. Riding the Big Blue Bus 30. Sembach PowerPoint tour (1.5MB)
31. Approaching the base.  32.  601st TACC, Circa 1968
33. Heating and powering Sembach  33.  Bowling Alley at Sembach
34. Sembach Tiger Mall  35.  Misc.Buildings circa 2000/2001
 36. 601st TCW HQ, Sembach  37.  Central Sembach, circa 1953/1954
 38. RF80's over Sembach, circa 1954


Aerial views, circa 1961


Assorted locations, circa mid 50's 41. Sembach Base Motor Pool, circa 1953
 Sembach veterans or family members who have images/pictures of their period at
Sembach AB, are asked to complete our image information form on-line!

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