Stan Swift was a member of the 66th Air Police Squadron at Sembach. This image shows Stan at the Main Gate in 1956, and as an end for the Sembach Tigers football team in 1956. To see both images, let your mouse cursor scroll across the image to make it change. To go along with image 2, Stan Swift says: "I played for Sembach in 1956 and
1957. We had a halfback named Bobby Klein who was All Air Force,
Europe and Jim Bobbit, a guard who also made the All USAFE team.
Bobby went on to become a starter at Ohio State. Jim started
for Michigan State and was drafted by the Browns in 1963. We
were 4-4-2 in 1956 and 8-2 in 1957 advancing to the "Runner
up Bowl" played in Naples. We beat the runner-up from the
France Sports district (S.H.A.P.E.) in a soccer stadium. Miss
USA was there as well as the Navy band. The 66th TACRECON Wing
rotated to Laon, France in 1958. Col. Robert Gideon, the CO
kept the whole team intact for the move and we went undefeated
in 1958 in league, beat the English champs and advanced to the
European championship game against Ramstein (who was coached
by their Base Commander...a Col. Hartwig, who had, it was rumored,
once played for the NY Giants football team. We lost, 30-8,
but the game was much closer than the score indicated. Ramstein
had been winning games all year scoring about 60 points a game.
We were coached by Lt. Orris "Potts" Philpot, a starter
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